Daily News

SSAF Funding Proposals

From: Irene Toro

Valid from: Monday 17 September 2018 to Sunday 14 October 2018

If you could introduce or improve a service at Western what would it be?

Western Sydney University wants to make sure that SSAF funds are used for initiatives that will give you the most benefit. Since the introduction of SSAF, a number of key services and initiatives have been put in place because of student feedback and input.

You now have the opportunity to submit a funding proposal so you can be directly involved in how 2019 SSAF funding is spent.

The online funding form and all the information you need to submit a proposal is at www.westernsydney.edu.au/ssafproposal. Proposals close 14 October 2018.

Please talk to your SCC, SRC representative or Campus Life Officers about what you want, or email your feedback to SSAFpriorities@westernsydney.edu.au