Daily News


From: Marina Girgis

Valid from: Thursday 7 February 2019 to Wednesday 13 February 2019

Date: Wednesday 20 February 2019
Session ID: 5094
Location: Frogmore House, Werrington North
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Facilitator: Leone Cripps

This program is required learning for people who will be acting as recruitment Convenors or Panel Members. The focus is on the Western Sydney University recruitment and selection process, and has a focus on behavioural interviewing techniques, including developing questions.

Participants will have an opportunity to practice learning in this interactive workshop.

To accommodate people with varying skill levels, the morning session will focus on Western Sydney University processes and practices. All staff are required to complete the morning session to sit on a selection panel. The afternoon session will involve skills practice. If you have significant recent behavioural interviewing experience, you may not be required to attend the afternoon session – please discuss this with your facilitator. If you are new to interviewing, the full day program is required.

Learning objectives:

This program will enable participants to:

• Describe the Western Sydney University recruitment and selection process
• Describe panel roles and responsibilities
• Understand the principles of merit-based selection
• Develop interview questions
• Apply behavioural interviewing techniques

To register:

Register for TLD courses, workshops or networks via MyCareer Online. Alternatively, staff who do not have access to online enrolment within MyCareer Online can register by completing the TLD course registration form at: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/tld/home/about_our_courses/how_to_register/office_of_organisational_development_course_registration_form

Talents and Leadership Development look forward to your participation is our programs.