Daily News

Artist Workshop: 'Peasantography': Photographing Left Behind Children - Tuesday 7 May

From: Cynthia Li

Valid from: Tuesday 23 April 2019 to Tuesday 7 May 2019

Date: Tuesday 7 May
Time: 1.00 - 2.00 pm
Location: EA.G.03, Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture, Western Sydney University Parramatta South campus
RSVP essential. Please RSVP before 6 May.
For more information and to RSVP, please visit: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/ACIAC/events/aciac_artist_workshop_peasontography_photographing_left_behind_children

In China, 63 million children have grown up with their grandparents or great grandparents in the countryside, while their parents work in the cities - sometimes thousands of miles away. Photographer Tami Xiang’s 'Peasantography: Family Portrait' addresses the unique voice of contemporary, socially engaged Chinese art, through a specific case study on these 'Left Behind Children' (LBC).

To develop this series, Xiang photographed and interviewed hundreds of children and their families. The ethno-photographic project provides some background information and describes the negative effects on the Left Behind Children, of policies and political circumstances that have led to this situation. In this workshop, Tami Xiang will discuss the influence of household registration system, financial burden and the lack of care on the children, and how art offers them a voice that has hardly been heard in the particular sociopolitical context in contemporary China. The photography series will be exhibited at the Festival Hub – Paddington Town Hall during the Head On Photo Festival, between 4 and 19 May.

Artist biography
Tami Xiang is a Perth-based Chinese-Australian artist and academic scholar. She has achieved a Master of Fine Arts from University of Western Australia (UWA) and she is currently undertaking a PhD by research at UWA. Tami’s work has been exhibited in Australia, Mainland China, France, Taiwan and the U.S.

Her work has been published in The New York Times, The Eye of Photography (France) and Artlink (Australia).