Daily News

SSAP seminar: Challenging Racism Project - Tuesday 30 April

From: Vicki Fox

Valid from: Wednesday 24 April 2019 to Tuesday 30 April 2019

You are invited to the SSAP seminar, Challenging Racism Project - 'A view from within and a view from without: Muslim residential concentrations in Melbourne and Sydney'.

Date: Tuesday 30 April
Time: 12.00 - 1.00pm
Location: EHa.1.30, Parramatta South campus

This presentation draws from the insights of two large empirical projects, one completed (2016-2017) and the other in progress (2018-2020). The second project builds on the findings of the first, and both are focused on Muslim residential concentration areas. The entrenched policy wisdom is that ethnic residential concentrations concentrations are (potentially) problematic; the lived experience of their residents is that they are supportive and protective. When we look at available data (Census etc.) on Muslim concentration areas in Melbourne and Sydney, the only certainty is that most of them are 'socio-economically disadvantaged'. Our findings so far indicate that local policy interventions should focus on education, including migrant English, and employment, rather than on issues of 'radicalisation' and social cohesion. The presentation discusses the issue of perception vs. 'reality' of the insider/outsider view on these concentrations in relation to the issues of Islamophobia and socio-economic disadvantage.

Associate Professor Val Colic-Peisker is an Associate Professor in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Val does research in Urban Sociology, focusing on diversity, Global Mobility and Ethnic Relations. She uses Quantitative and Qualitative Research methods Her most recent publication (Palgrave, 2018) is a book, coauthored with Adrian Flitney: 'The Age of Post-Rationality: Limits of economic reasoning in the 21st century'. She currently researches neighbourhood diversity and Islamophobia in Australia.

Attached document: CRP Seminar April 2019.pdf [219409 bytes] application/pdf