Daily News

Challenging Racism Series: 'The extreme political far-right in Poland: an analysis of leaders' - Tuesday 28 May

From: Vicki Fox

Valid from: Friday 24 May 2019 to Tuesday 28 May 2019

You are invited to the next Challenging Racism Series Seminar, ‘The extreme political far-right in Poland: an analysis of leaders’ discourses and audience responses’.

Presented by the School of Social Sciences and Psychology, this talk is a work-in-progress focusing on how the discourse of the extreme political far-right in Poland resonates with the audience's responses.

Far-right movements have been gaining considerable public support in recent times in many Western democracies. The talk focuses on Poland, where extreme far-right political groups are even represented in the Parliament. Please see the attached document for more information about what will be discussed and presented as part of this seminar.

Zofia Kinowska is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Department of Social and Institutional Transformations. Her PhD work concerned women's participation in civic activities in local settings in Poland. Recently, her work focuses on cultural and ethnic diversity issues, adaptation and integration of migrants. She currently researches the social profile and the organisational landscape of Polish diaspora in Australia.

Ana-Maria Bliuc is a social and political psychologist in the School of Social Sciences at Western. She is also part of the University's Challenging Racism Project. Her research focuses primarily on understanding how social identities influence people's behaviour in health, environmental (climate change), and socio-political contexts. Recently, she has conducted research on online communities of the far-right in Australia and Europe.

Date: Tuesday 28 May
Time: 12 – 1pm
Location: EHA.1.30, Parramatta South campus

Attached document: CRS Seminar_May 2019 (002).pdf [494677 bytes] application/pdf