Daily News

SSAP special guest lecture: Klaus Wegleitner - Friday 11 October

From: Sue Veen

Valid from: Tuesday 10 September 2019 to Monday 30 September 2019

SSAP special guest lecture, 'Horizons of Care: The Future of the Social Organisation of End-of-Life Care', will be presented by Associate Professor Klaus Wegleitner from the Department of Public Care, University of Graz, Austria.

Date: Friday 11 October
Time: 11:00am to 12:30 pm (followed by lunch until 1:30pm)
Location: Room 01.4.23, Parramatta City campus
RSVP to Dr Alison Rahn at a.rahn@westernsydney.edu.au by Monday 30 September

Urgent questions are raised by the major challenges of our 'ageing' societies’ organisation of care: frailty, dementia, social isolation, families’ decreasing capacity to care, care migration, disappearance of social infrastructure in rural regions, digitalisation, and controversial political and social-ethical orientations:

* How can we ensure social participation in all phases of life, especially by marginalised people?
* How can we arrange wise inter-linkages between informal and formal care?
* What are the potentials and risks involved in new care technologies?
* What are the implications of the 'commodification' of care for caring cultures?
* How can we enable dying in familiar environments?
* How can we create (gender) fair job, family and care work roles?

The 'caring-answers' of our institutions and professions, centred on modern industrial societies, are reaching their limits. While novel 'caring ways of life' are beginning to evolve, an appropriate 'policy of care' has not yet begun to emerge.

Dr Wegleitner will reflect on the upcoming challenges for the social organisation of aged and end-of-life care.

For more information about the lecture, as well as a biography of Dr Wegleitner, please see the attached document.

Attached document: Wegleitner_WSU Public Lecture_2019.pdf [131585 bytes] application/pdf