Daily News

Online learning for digital literacy from Library Study Smart

From: Claire Urbach

Valid from: Monday 6 April 2020 to Sunday 19 April 2020

Many of your students are digital natives, but do they have good digital literacy?

How are they with:
* cyber safety
* critical evaluation of information online, and
* managing their professional online identity?

These are the topics of three brand new online microlearning modules developed by the Library.

Each micro-learning module takes about five to 10 minutes to complete and uses gamification principles to engage students in learning to develop their digital literacy skills.

You can access the modules via the Study Smart Digital Literacy page: https://westernsydney.edu.au/studysmart/home/digital_literacy

Assist your students by including a link to the modules on your vUWS site or using them as part of a class activity.

For more information, contact Linda Parker, Academic Literacies Manager, at linda.parker@westernsydney.edu.au