Daily News

Supporting your Teaching: Library Study Smart webinar

From: Linda Parker

Valid from: Tuesday 21 July 2020 to Tuesday 11 August 2020

Discover how to leverage the different tiers of the Library Study Smart service in your teaching and learning by joining Linda Parker, Academic Literacies Manager, Library, Scott Harrison, Studiosity Partnership Director and Ashleigh Watson, Study Smart Librarian in week 2 or 4 of Spring session.

This will be an interactive webinar with extensive time for Q&A, available on two dates:
Week 2: Friday, 31 July at 11am: https://uws.zoom.us/j/96187325883
Week 4: Tuesday, 11 August at 12.30pm: https://uws.zoom.us/j/93118999079

Find out:
1. About the different components of the Library Study Smart service and the benefits to your students, especially in the challenging learning and teaching landscape of 2020.
2. How Study Smart Officers, Advisors, Librarians and the Studiosity platform promote and support the development of academic reading, writing, literacy and research skills.
3. The ways you can use Library Study Smart as an educative tool to promote academic integrity and help students avoid cases of academic misconduct, or get remedial assistance if they have been involved in a case of academic misconduct.

Join us via the Zoom link on the day or pre-register your interest by emailing: Linda Parker, Academic Literacies Manager, Library Linda.Parker@westernsydney.edu.au