Daily News

R U OK? Day Webinar

From: Yousif Kalw

Valid from: Thursday 16 September 2021 to Sunday 10 October 2021

A simple conversation might help stop a small problem from becoming a big problem, or a crisis. Reaching out to a person and asking ‘are you OK?’ won't fix everything, but it might help them feel supported at a time when they really need it.

To learn more about R U OK? Day, watch this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lGuskjHfR0

The WHS & Wellbeing Unit have also arranged for a pre-recorded 45 min R U OK? webinar from our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselling service provider.

The webinar outlines a four-step approach to assist us to start a conversation and confidently respond to someone who is not OK. If you are not able to participate on official R U OK? Day, the webinar is available to access anytime from today until 10 October.

To register, please visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/6851806137448933122