Daily News

Reminder: SMS Go-Live Webinar - today, Tuesday 28 September

From: Katie Elcombe

Valid from: Tuesday 28 September 2021 to Tuesday 28 September 2021

The implementation of our new Student Management System (SMS) is quickly approaching, and it is important for staff to be prepared for the system to go live on Wednesday 6 October.

The road to Go-Live

The new SMS is a significant business transformation project for the University, and you must be aware of the changes, what is being packed away, what’s new, and how it will impact your work. Hopefully, by now, you have completed your mandatory training and are prepared for the system to go live on Wednesday 6 October.

Special Webinar by key Western leaders

Key Western leaders and the SMS Project team will be holding a webinar today where the panel will take you through an overview of the new Banner system, the benefits and how you can access support processes. On the panel will be:

* Kerry Holling, Chief Information and Digital Officer
* Kevin Dunn, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research
* Michael Burgess, Chief Student Experience Officer
* Daniel Saffioti, Director, Solution and Project Services

The webinar will also provide an opportunity for you to raise any questions you may have about the new SMS, with a panel of experts on hand to respond.

Webinar details
Date: Tuesday 28 September
Time: 11.00am – 12.00pm
Location: To join the webinar visit https://uws.zoom.us/j/83675544783

For more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Karen Davies on SMSProject@westernsydney.edu.au.