Daily News

Reminder: Record conflicts of interest on the online Conflict of Interest Register

From: Cariza Sy

Valid from: Wednesday 29 June 2022 to Wednesday 27 July 2022

Pursuant to cl 14 of the University’s Conflict of Interest Policy - https://policies.westernsydney.edu.au/document/view.current.php?id=93 - this is a reminder that staff (including contractors and AMIS account holders) should record all disclosures and management of conflicts of interests on the University’s online Conflict of Interest Register - https://erm.protecht.com.au/wsu/worms/client/app/anonymousWidget.html?widget=AnonymousRegisterEntry&appId=1121&tablename=table_137120 - for any potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest.

The Register can also be used for nil interest declarations if required by certain projects or working groups.

**For interests relating to duties pertaining to Board, Board Committee, and Entity membership e.g. Board of Trustees, Audit and Risk Committee etc, please defer to the managing department (Office of Governance Services) for direction and timeline in declaring these interests, as the process is proactively managed by them.

Please see the attached document for an infographic that visually sets out the high-level workflow when disclosing and managing conflicts of interests.

You may contact Keira Hamilton, University Compliance Manager, via keira.hamilton@westernsydney.edu.au, with any questions.

Attached document: COI infographic.JPG [51186 bytes] image/jpeg