Daily News

Workshop with Professor Angelika Henschel, visiting Professor, from Germany

From: Sue Veen

Valid from: Wednesday 1 March 2023 to Friday 24 March 2023

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to attend a Workshop with Professor Angelika Henschel, visiting Professor from Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany.

Date: Friday 24 March
Time: 10am to 1pm
Location: Parramatta South Campus, Room EB.G.33
(A light lunch will be provided) – you must book through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/workshop-presented-by-professor-angelika-henschel-tickets-560027777157

Title: The role of the domestic violence refuge in supporting children. A German retrospective study
This workshop will be of interest and provide a professional development opportunity for :
• Practitioners, researchers, educators and students in the domestic violence, child protection and child wellbeing fields.
• Practitioners, researchers and educators and students interested in exploring the relationship between activism, research and practice
• Those interested in dialogue about the possibilities challenges and ethics involved in university/field research partnerships

For full information please refer to the flyer attached.

Attached document: WS with Prof Angelika Henschel.pdf [519588 bytes] application/pdf