Daily News

Heads up: Major ITDS storage upgrade coming soon!

From: Katie Elcombe

Valid from: Saturday 10 November 2018 to Sunday 11 November 2018

As you know, from time to time, ITDS must conduct routine repairs, patching and upgrades, to ensure that we are providing you with the best possible service.

What is happening?
This is only a heads up that over the next couple of months, ITDS will be undertaking a major upgrade to our storage capability which will enhance performance. Other benefits include the reduction of our environmental impact, faster and more efficient file storage, as well as significant enterprise cost savings.

When will the upgrade start?
The program of works for the storage upgrades will take place on certain nights over a six-week period. We expect work to commence once the shipment of hardware has arrived, after Session 2 Examinations 2018. All work will be completed before the beginning of Session 1 2019. We will confirm and communicate the start date and schedule to all of staff as soon as possible to ensure there are no major conflicts.

How does this affect staff?
This work will affect all University staff (not students) home and shared drives. There should be minimal impact to their work, however, we are strongly advising that all staff will need to log off of their University computer when the outage is taking place. This will ensure there is no loss of work or data. Such work is scheduled for the least disruptive time possible, taking place on selected evenings between 10pm and 6am.

How will this be communicated?
We are taking every precaution to ensure our users are up-to-date with our activities where we will ensure that we communicate and update via the usual channels. Reminders will also be sent closer to the outage dates to key staff members as well.

If you have further questions or concerns about the work involved or future dates, please contact peter.thomas@westernsydney.edu.au