Daily News

University’s Compliance Directory: now available online (SharePoint)

From: Keira Hamilton

Valid from: Wednesday 26 June 2019 to Monday 22 July 2019

The Compliance Program Unit (CPU) is pleased to announce that the University’s Compliance Directory is now available online at SharePoint. Visit https://westernsydneyedu.sharepoint.com/sites/CS/CPU/Lists/University_Compliance_Directory/My%20Assigned%20Laws.aspx

What does this mean to you?
This is an interactive and widely-accessible electronic version of the Directory, where University staff may use it as an informative and education tool.
You will be able to view/search the entire Directory to see the whole suite of laws and assignments across the University’s Compliance Network.

How to access the Directory?
Visit the SharePoint site. You will automatically be taken to the 'My Assigned Laws' section, which may be blank for you unless you are an assigned member of the Compliance Network. To see the Directory in its entirety, click on 'All laws' in the menu bar.

Do you need to do anything?
No, but if there are any existing laws to which you think your unit should be added as a Compliance Contact, and/or you know of any new laws that should be added to the Directory, please notify the CPU.

Any questions or comments, please contact the CPU on 9685 9897 or compliance@westernsydney.edu.au.

What else is going on?
The CPU has new and updated information on its intranet site, such as:
* Information on the Compliance Framework, and how it interacts with the Compliance Management Program and its components - visit https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/complianceprogramunit/cpu/compliance_framework
* Public-facing Compliance Directory to be shared with external stakeholders - visit https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/complianceprogramunit/cpu/compliance_management_program/compliance_directory
* Three- year Compliance Strategic Plan for 2018 - 2021 and past issues of the CPU's quarterly newsletter, 'Connections' - to view both, visit https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/complianceprogramunit/cpu/compliance_management_program/university-only_documents