Daily News

YamJam: Managing Work, Home and Parenting during COVID-19 - Thursday 4 June

From: Maegan Baker

Valid from: Tuesday 2 June 2020 to Thursday 4 June 2020

Western’s Network for Emerging Women and Engaged Parents’ Network are teaming up to host a Yam Jam at 11.00 am on Thursday 4 June, where you can ask questions and respond to colleagues in real-time.

We think the topic will be relevant to all our members and hope you will come a long to participate in the discussion!

What is the discussion topic?
Managing work, home and parenting during COVID-19: How are staff at Western managing a work/life balance and how are parents coping with transitioning their children back to school?

We will be joined by a number of experts to help facilitate this discussion:

* Dr Erin Mackenzie – School of Education
* Dr Kay Carroll - School of Education
* Dr Carolyn Ee - NICM Health Research Institute
* Dr Dorothea Bowyer - School of Business
* Dr Kate McBride - School of Medicine

How do I join the conversation?
If you are interested in participating, all you need to do is login to Yammer on Thursday 4 June and search for the hashtag #NEW_EPN_Collab.

Alternatively, you can join the session with this link: https://www.yammer.com/westernsydney.edu.au/threads/694814433509376

We’re looking forward to a fantastic conversation that will enrich our dialogue about how we can manage our competing demands, and how we can all support each other through the process.