Daily News

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

From: Sue Veen

Valid from: Monday 20 May 2024 to Monday 27 May 2024

United Nations Association of Australia (N.S.W. Division) Inc invites you to attend their event "UN Peacekeepers Day Forum"

Date: Tuesday 28 May
time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm AEST
Venue: Western Sydney University, Parramatta campus, Peter Shergold Building, Floor 9, Conference Room 2
169 Macquarie St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Australia

Event Description:
Explore the role of global peacekeeping on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers! In this 2-hour event, you'll have the exclusive opportunity to hear from, and connect with, past and present UN Peacekeeping veterans and experts. Hear about their experiences and the challenges they faced daily.

Prepare to be informed, inspired and engaged as our speakers discuss the indispensable work of UN and other international peacekeepers in our world. Through their stories and insights, you'll gain a deeper understanding of international peace and security efforts.

Whether you're interested in the United Nations and the challenges it faces in today’s world, curious about international peacekeeping, or simply keen to network with like-minded people - all are welcome. Please arrive from 6:15pm.

Please register via the link: https://events.humanitix.com/un-peacekeepers-day

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