Daily News

Researcher profiles: Setting yourself up for success

From: Maureen OBrien

Valid from: Friday 7 June 2024 to Thursday 13 June 2024

Date|Time: Thursday 13 June from 11.00am - 12.00pm (45 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes allocated for Q & A)

If you are a researcher, you will need a strong researcher profile to avoid author ambiguity and to make your research output more 'discoverable'.

Content covered in this session includes: An overview of Researcher Profiles, creating and updating an Orcid profile, managing your Scopus Profile and syncing with Orcid and guidance on how to claim publications and an author profile in Web of Science.

Enquiries: Maureen O'Brien

Please note: This presentation will be offered on a bi-monthly basis

Register here: https://westernsydney.libcal.com/event/5725291?hs=a

Before attending the presentation, please see our 'Researcher Profiles' Library Guide: https://subjectguides.library.westernsydney.edu.au/c.php?g=956273