Daily News

Academic promotion - Writing the Equity Consideration session

From: Kim Nemetz

Valid from: Friday 14 June 2024 to Saturday 15 June 2024

The University is currently working on providing additional support to potential academic promotion applicants in the writing of promotion applications. As a part of the SAGE Academic Promotion cygnet, we are working on holding dedicated writing sessions to support academic promotion applications.

While we will be rolling out an extensive program in the second half of this year, we would like to offer a session on Thursday 27 June from 1:30pm – 3pm with Michelle Falconer, Director Equity, Diversity and Wellbeing.

This session will provide an overview of the equity consideration sections contained within the application, outline the level of information required and discuss the recommendations for the impact section. Time will then be provided for applicants to work on writing their equity statements and also allow for one on one sessions with Michelle Falconer for individual private questions.

Please advise Kim Nemetz via email k.nemetz@westernsydney.edu.au if you wish to attend. The calendar/zoom link will be provided for this session.