Daily News

Join the discussion: Academic Literacy Resources Community of Practice

From: Olivia Inwood

Valid from: Wednesday 19 June 2024 to Thursday 18 July 2024

Dear Western Sydney University Community,

We invite anyone who is interested to join our Academic Literacy Resources Community of Practice meeting on Friday 19 July, from 12pm – 1:30pm.

Register here to receive the zoom link: https://westernsydney.libcal.com/event/5726964

I am excited to announce our Guest Speakers for this CoP are:
Associate Professor Leanne Rylands, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
Presentation: "Mathematics and Statistics Literacy".
Associate Professor Leanne Rylands, is a leading expert in combinatorics and mathematics tertiary education with an emphasis on first-year mathematics. In this presentation, she will discuss the importance of mathematics and statistics literacy support for university students, and how as a university we can further support this endeavour.

Linda Thornely, School Librarian for School of Computer, Data and Mathematics Sciences, School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment and The Academy, Library Academic Services Team
Presentation: "The Academic Skills Pocketbook: A Guide to Success at University".
Linda Thornely will present on her process of creating the "Academic Skills Pocketbook" for Western Sydney University, co-authored with Richard Scharges, Ashleigh Watson and Susan McGlynn. This open access book aligns to UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education supporting inclusive and affordable access to higher educational resources.

Dr Suzanne D'Souza, Professional Communication and Academic Literacy Skills Advisor, School of Nursing and Midwifery
Presentation: "Exploring cul-de-sacs and alleys in qualitative writing: A HDR perspective".
Following her recent publication, Dr Suzanne D'Souza will present three distinct strategies to write it right, qualitatively: tight alignment between the writing style and research philosophy, genre-mixing and incorporating researcher experiences.

This Community of Practice has three key aims:

- To engage with the scholarship of teaching and learning
- To discuss best approaches to developing equitable academic literacy support at Western Sydney University in alignment with the university-wide Academic Literacy Strategy
- For Academic staff, professional staff, and students to share best practice examples, resources, and shape academic literacy at WSU

To access information about the Academic Literacy Advisory Group and the University-wide Academic Literacy Strategy click here: https://westernsydneyedu.sharepoint.com/sites/Collab/OGS/ASSC/SitePages/Academic-Literacy-Advisory-Group-(ALAG).aspx

If you are interested in presenting at a future CoP please fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=OPHbPg14GEGkjDHFK4ympfNsfvmwPHdMtW9hk_IpwGFUNFFVT0s0QUJNMkdSVTBBNUc3NlE2RkhHMy4u

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