Daily News

5 Steps to vUWS Success - Step 3: Keep on track!

From: Sherelle Tramantana

Valid from: Monday 1 July 2024 to Friday 5 July 2024

** Hey, hi, how are you doing? Just popping in to remind you that Spring session begins in THREE weeks!! **

Need some help? Check out our weekly checklists we created to ensure your site is ready for the start of session.

Your tasks for the week:
- Check all required site menu items are available and not hidden (https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/learn-vuws/#content-visibility)

- Hide any weekly material that should not be visible to students in Week 1 and hide Grade Centre columns that should not be shown to students (https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/learn-vuws/#content-visibility).

- Update your learning resources and contact details, checking that information and WSU branding is current and that all links are functional (https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/learn-vuws/#links).

- Prepare your Grade Centre columns for Banner (https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/learn-vuws/#grade-centre-maintenance).

- Create or update your Assessments section if required. It is recommended to create new assessment submission links.

For further details check out the Online Teaching and Engagement Hub ( https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/engage/ ) and vUWS: Getting Started

Digital Learning offers support on vUWS through:

Western Now - submit a ticket for advice on how to use our (Digital Learning and Teaching) tools - https://wsu.service-now.com/staff?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=390d245bdbde5c504f58e4340596197d

One-on-one consultation - A 30-minute personalised (Zoom) call to discuss your specific questions https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/DigitalLearningSupport101@westernsydneyedu.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/s/Zdai0b_bUk6ADvEtAmGWRQ2

Just in time resources such as Learn vUWS - https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/learn-vuws/ where you can access step by step instructions on vUWS.

Also explore the Online and Engagement Teaching Hub - https://lf.westernsydney.edu.au/engage/ where you can find information and resources to inspire and guide you on creating engaging online experiences.