Daily News

Webinar: Crowdfunding your impact project - 31 July 2024

From: Brooke Jim

Valid from: Monday 29 July 2024 to Wednesday 31 July 2024

Crowdfunding is a popular way to launch or grow a social enterprise or non-profit, raise funds for a cause or an impact project, or to fuel a grassroots movement.

Western Sydney University has once again partnered with Campus Plus to provide a series of weekly researcher development webinars. These webinars are free to access and suitable for researchers, professional staff and HDR candidates.

Attending this webinar will ensure you and your project have the best chance of success by knowing the formula for success and avoiding common mistakes. We will cover common misunderstandings, what those who successfully raise funds are doing right and how to think through the best crowdfunding model, goals and outreach strategy for your project or enterprise.

Date: 31 July 2024
Time: 12.00pm - 1.00pm via Zoom

To REGISTER, simply enter your details, using your University email address HERE [https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsc-itrDMqH9TVwfeTTSmIo-i9V1bVeAZ1#/registration]

Attached document: PD+HASS_Crowdfunding - 31 July 2024.pdf [298313 bytes] application/pdf