Daily News

Notice: Meeting of the Board of Trustees 6 August 2024

From: Christine Sharpe

Valid from: Monday 5 August 2024 to Tuesday 6 August 2024

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday 6 August in Boardroom 1, The Chancellery, Level 2, Barney Glover Building, Parramatta South campus.

A number of items are dealt with in open session, however there will also be a closed session (limited to Board members and senior University officers) to deal with confidential matters. The time for open and closed sessions varies, depending on the nature and volume of business before the Board.

At its meetings, the Board receives reports and considers recommendations from its Committees, the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and the Chair of Academic Senate. Board members also have the opportunity to raise any matters of relevance to the Board.

Matters to be considered at the meeting include:

• Chancellor’s Report
• Vice-Chancellor’s Report
• Academic Senate Report
• Strategic Plan Update
• Sustaining Success 2021-2026: In-Depth Analysis and Reporting – Transformation
• University Rankings
• Transformation Program Update

If you have any queries in relation to the above, please contact Jane Hutchison (j.hutchison@westernsydney.edu.au)

Jane Hutchison
University Secretary