Daily News

Closes soon: Undergraduate Summer Scholarship Program project proposal

From: Theresa Moody

Valid from: Friday 2 August 2024 to Sunday 11 August 2024

Undergraduate Summer Scholarship Research Program 2024/25 : Submit a Research Project Proposal today!

Please be reminded the Office of Senior Deputy-Vice Chancellor, Research, Enterprise and Global has circulated a call for University and Partnership projects for the upcoming Undergraduate Student Summer Research Scholarship program.

Project proposals are currently open for submission from Schools/Institutes/SRIs until 11 August 2024. The research project proposals will be advertised to Undergraduate students who will apply to be apart of the project through Jobs on Campus.

Projects will commence on 2 December 2024 and finish on 14 February 2025.

The Undergraduate Sunmer Research Scholarship Program 2024-25 Student Guidelines are attached, which provides details of the program. Project Proposal template and Information packs for the two-stream program can be obtained by emailing studentresearch@westernsydney.edu.au or by contacting the Research Director in your School/Institute.


Attached document: Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship Guidelines 2024 - 2025.pdf [594579 bytes] application/pdf