Daily News

New suite of HDR Policy Documents For Comment

From: A. McDonald

Valid from: Wednesday 7 August 2024 to Wednesday 14 August 2024

Dear colleagues,

The new suite of Higher Degree Research Policy Documents are available for comment on the Policy DDS Bulletin Board at https://policies.westernsydney.edu.au/bullet-board.php.

These include:
Higher Degree By Research Policy
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Candidature
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Candidature Variation
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Admission
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Progress
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Examination
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Supervision
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Resources
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Scholarships
Higher Degree By Research Procedures – Dual Awards Research Degrees

Please review the documents and provide comments by Tuesday 20 August.

Feedback should be provided via the Policy DDS Bulletin Board so that your comments can be easily compared and addressed by the author. If you don’t use the Policy DDS comment interface, your comments may be overlooked or delay the development and approval process. As your feedback is important, please read the on-screen instructions prior to logging comments to ensure your feedback reaches the document's author.

If you are unsure how to use the system, please contact us via email: policies@westernsydney.edu.au

Policy and Governance Unit