Daily News

Legal & Compliance Training Webinar – NAVIGATING AI

From: Keira Hamilton

Valid from: Thursday 8 August 2024 to Thursday 22 August 2024

The Office of General Counsel in partnership with external firm, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, is inviting you to attend a Zoom webinar on Navigating AI. This will be presented by Eugenia Kolivos, Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth and Isaac Lin, Special Counsel, Corrs Chambers Westgarth.

All University staff are invited to attend this webinar.

Date: Thursday, 22 August 2024
Time: 10.30am-12pm
Via Zoom: https://uws.zoom.us/j/82323782428?pwd=9TAgmE8uDGMbmianVolIiwNwvrOEIF.1

The calendar invite with Zoom link is attached. If you are attending, please accept the invitation, so attendance numbers can be ascertained.

What topics will be discussed in the seminar?
1. Introduction to AI
2. AI risks and limitations
3. Regulation and ethical frameworks
4. Current legal and contract issues

What insights will you acquire once you have attended this seminar?
1. An introduction to AI, including risks and limitations
2. Understanding of the different regulatory frameworks adopted, and the current status of regulation in Australia
3. Tips and tricks to negotiating contracts with AI providers, including key issues to consider
4. Be aware of current legal issues and litigation around the use of AI

We look forward to your attendance.

Did you know?
• This seminar forms part of OGC’s services of Legal and Compliance Training.
• The Legal and Compliance Training service feature a series of topics, facilitated by Keira Hamilton, Director Compliance, and Clare Tour,
Senior Administrative Officer, presented by legal professionals within the OGC, or an external expert from panel law firms.
• This training is an OGC service offered at no charge.
• Other sessions will follow – watch Yammer and e-update for other announcements, as well as being personally invited to attend.

Attached document: Legal Compliance Training Webinar - Navigating AI.ics [20202 bytes] text/calendar