Daily News

Dialogos Sur Sur Southern Knowledges Symposium 2024

From: Maya Voysey

Valid from: Thursday 8 August 2024 to Friday 6 September 2024

Dialogos Sur Sur Southern Knowledges Symposium: Education, Sustainability and Social Change 2024

When: 9-11 September 2024
Where: Western Sydney University, 74 Rickard Road, Bankstown

Join us for an enriching dialogue on justice, activism and political action as we work together towards a more sustainable and equitable future. This collaborative conversation transcends geographic boundaries, offering a critical perspective on social, cultural, and political phenomena. Hosted by the School of Education at Western Sydney University, the symposium aims to foster a transdisciplinary learning community that enhances ethical, civic and educational awareness.

This event is FREE for WSU staff & students (registration is required).

Register NOW: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dialogos-sur-sur-southern-knowledges-symposium-tickets-919869603747

For more information: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/cer/events/sur_sur_dialogos

Attached document: Final Sur Sur Flyer 2 -English.pdf [1166613 bytes] application/pdf