Daily News

Turn WSU PURPLE - Wear It Purple WEEK

From: Melinda Blackmore

Valid from: Wednesday 14 August 2024 to Friday 30 August 2024

This year, Western is expanding Wear it Purple from 30 August to encompass the entire week, starting the 26th and ending the 30th! For the whole week, the University will be Wearing it Purple through posters, displays, and other decorations!

Starting Monday, there will be Wear it Purple bracelets and pronoun pins available to students and staff at Libraries, Student Services Hubs and food vendors across our campuses.

Ally Training
Are you an LGBTIQ+ Ally? We are holding an Ally Training session on Monday 26 August on Parramatta City campus from 9:30am – 1:30pm. Register through MyCareer Online (Staff Online) or contact Melinda Blackmore (m.blackmore@westernsydney.edu.au) for more information.

PID Training
Western offers two training sessions free of charge through our Pride in Diversity membership. Regular sessions on LGBTQ Awareness or Trans and Gender Diverse Awareness are run throughout the year. Register through MyCareer Online (Staff Online) or through this link: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/equity-and-diversity/about/training_and_events/training

On Tuesday, there will be morning tea held at Bankstown campus, centring on this year’s Wear it Purple theme of ‘Your Passion, Your Pride’. You’re invited to share your passions and interests, meet new people and work together to create a Pride Flag artwork to be displayed on campus! Please register to join us.