Daily News

Invitation: Enabling Ability conference

From: Sue Veen

Valid from: Monday 24 June 2024 to Saturday 20 July 2024

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to attend the Enabling Ability: Connecting Disability Research, Education and Services in Greater Western Sydney Conference.

Date: 10 September
Time: 9.30AM - 4.00PM
Location: Western Sydney University, Bankstown City Campus Level 8, Conf. rooms 1 & 2 74 Rickard Road Bankstown NSW 2200

(Free parking available at Bankstown Centro)

People with disability are valued contributing members of our society, though can need supports or adjustments to remove barriers, shift attitudes and enable contribution. WSU School of Psychology is pleased to host this mini conference aiming to connect disability researchers, educators, services providers and people and students with disability who have connection to the Greater Western Sydney area and an interest in enabling ability. We aim to foster connections and create conversations around:

- Groundbreaking disability research
- Positive education, particularly that builds capacity of the disability workforce and capable, strengths focused healthcare and allied health practitioners
- Innovations in service provision
- Lived experience insights to drive research, education and services design.

Keep an eye out for a call for abstracts coming soon.

Please join us in conversation, alongside confirmed keynotes:
• Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO University of Sydney Disability, Lived Experience And Reasonable Adjustments
• Professor Danielle Tracey Professor in Educational and Developmental Psychology, Disability Studies, and Evaluation, Western Sydney University A call to action for Greater Western Sydney – Leading Disability Research and Workforce Development: A Western Sydney Collaboration
• Associate Professor Lise Mogensen Associate Professor in Medical Education, Research and Evaluation, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University Disability Studies in Medical Education
• Terri Mears Manager, Disability Service, Western Sydney University Reasonable Adjustments in Higher Education and at Work
• Kylie Scott Including a presentation from the Valued Contribution Project inclusive of the amazing Kylie Scott from https://www.kyliedownsbarriers.com.au/

Please Register via the link below:

Attached document: Enabling Ability Conference Final flyer.pdf [236192 bytes] application/pdf