Daily News

Seeking study participants: Diabetes study at Westmead

From: Carolyn Ee

Valid from: Tuesday 16 April 2019 to Monday 29 April 2019

Can group medical visits, combined with mindfulness sessions, benefit people with diabetes?

NICM researchers are investigating whether a group medical visit program supplemented with mindfulness and meditation is beneficial to people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, when compared to the usual medical care from a GP.

Group medical visits are a new way to deliver healthcare, giving patients the chance to meet other people with diabetes and learn from others experiences, as well as have regular one-on-one consultations with a GP within a group setting.

The group medical visits involve an individualised consultation with a GP within a group setting with up to 11 other people with type 2 diabetes, together with a health education and mindfulness meditation training session.

The study will be divided into two groups. One group will receive the usual mode of care and be referred back to their GP. The other group will continue to attend for the group medical visits.

Recruitment is now underway for volunteers to participate in the study.

Who can join?
* Men and women over 21 years of age
* Have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
* Can travel to Westmead (located in Western Sydney) for six group medical visits in the evening every fortnight for a 12 week period
* Are able to speak and understand English

What’s involved?
* Attend three clinic visits at Westmead
* Have weight and blood pressure checked
* Have two blood tests
* Wear a continuous glucose monitor sensor for two weeks (a small patch on the arm) at the start and end of the study
* Wear an accelerometer (like a pedometer) around the waist for seven days, at the start and end of the study
* Complete surveys about your health and wellbeing
* If you are allocated to the group that will attend for group medical visits, you will be asked to attend six group medical visit sessions for a duration of two hours every fortnight over 12 weeks.

For more information, visit https://nicm.edu.au/research/clinical_trials/diabetes_study or email myself, Carolyn, at c.ee@westernsydney.edu.au