Daily News

Registrations now open: The Psychology of Influence - Wednesday 29 May

From: Kathy Adam-Cross

Valid from: Wednesday 1 May 2019 to Wednesday 22 May 2019

Date: Wednesday 29 May
Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Location: Penrith campus (Werrington North)
Facilitator: Eleanor Shakiba (Think Learn Succeed)

Intended for: Western staff

Some people appear to have a knack for influencing others. Their persuasive skills appear to flow naturally and unconsciously - but they actually stem from principles anyone can learn to apply. By understanding these principles, you can get others to listen to you, persuade people to change their mind, shift the direction of a conversation, communicate a message effectively and get more of what you want in life and at work.

Learning Objectives:

This workshop will enable participants to:
* Discuss key models of influence and how they can be applied in your context
* Deal with power games
* Add impact to your spoken message by using key non-verbal persuasion tools
* Use influential language and 'power words' to get others onside
* Use consensus-building techniques to elicit agreement and buy-in
* Influence group dynamics and redirect objections to change

Please note there is a $275.00 registration fee to attend this course.

Cancellations: The full fee will be charged if cancellation is received on or after Tuesday 14 May.

To Register:
Please register via MyCareer Online or complete the attached form and send back to tld@westernsydney.edu.au

Attached document: 2019 Psychology of Influence Registration Form.docx [1088501 bytes] application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document