Daily News

Pint of Science Australia: Parramatta - Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 May

From: Craig Bromley

Valid from: Thursday 16 May 2019 to Wednesday 22 May 2019

Pint of Science Australia delivers science engagement, primarily through a national festival, that builds the Australian public’s appreciation of science, contributes positively to combat inequity and negative stereotypes within the Australia science sector, establishes and supports cross-discipline collaborations, and celebrates and champions excellence in the Australian science and science engagement sectors.

The festival takes place annually over three days as part of the broader international Pint of Science festival: a fantastic celebration of science that reaches all across the globe.

A number of Western researchers will be participating at events at the Collector Hotel, 100 George Street, Parramatta.

Monday 20 May - Animal Planet
Have you ever wondered how things work in polar and outer-Earth environments? How are our forests coping with the current climate? Come and hear two of our researchers talk about these environments and what’s happening to them.

Antarctica: Life in the Frozen Continent - Associate Professor Juan Salazar
Tree mortality, drought and climate change - Professor Belinda Medlyn

For tickets: https://pintofscience.com.au/event/animal-planet

Tuesday 21 May - Letters and Numbers
Have you ever thought about the politics of data? Hear two researchers talk about how decisions are made and how a society can become more knowledgeable.

Algorithmic governance and data politics - Professor Ned Rossiter
Automation, knowledge, power and governance - Dr Liam Magee

For tickets: https://pintofscience.com.au/event/letters-and-numbers

Wednesday 22 May - Tune In
How do we process external stimuli? Want to know how music affects your health? Tune in to hear two scientists explore this!

Blooming beautiful - Dr Matthew Patten
Music, mind and the brain - Dr Jennifer MacRitchie

For tickets: https://pintofscience.com.au/event/tune-in

More information can be found at: https://pintofscience.com.au

We look forward to seeing you there!