Daily News

Bankstown Provost Committee: Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea - Thursday 23 May

From: Amanda McNamara

Valid from: Thursday 16 May 2019 to Wednesday 22 May 2019

Dear colleagues,

The Bankstown Provost Committee is holding a morning tea:

Date: Thursday 23 May
Time: 10:00am
Location: 5.G.24, Bankstown campus
RSVP: Friday 17 May on the details below

This is an event to raise funds for cancer research for the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Entry is a gold coin.

Come along and have of cuppa, something to eat and meet up with your Bankstown colleagues.

For catering purposes please email a.mcnamara@westernsydney.edu.au and let us know if you will be attending.

Thank you.