Daily News

Introduction to Research Data Management at Western Sydney: Online

From: Karen Sheehy

Valid from: Monday 17 June 2024 to Friday 21 June 2024

As a WSU researcher or HDR Candidate, it is important to understand your responsibilities around the management of your research data.

WSU’s Research Data Management Policy requires all researchers and HDR candidates to develop a Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) prior to starting research at the University.

A RDMP will help you think proactively about your project and the data that will be produced. This includes how it will be collected, organised, managed, stored, preserved, shared and possibly published during and after your research project.

In this workshop, you will learn more about the process of creating a comprehensive RDMP, including:

How to access and submit an RDMP on ResearchDirect
How to manage your research data according to legal, statutory, ethical, funding body and university requirements.
Research data storage options at WSU
The importance of update and review of your RDMP
The benefits of publication and re-usability of research data
How to access support with research data management planning.

Co-presented by: Library, Intersect
Date: Friday June 21
Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm
Event URL: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/research-data-management-techniques-at-western-sydney-online-registration-793917718267